Smotrich launches campaign to annex Area B of West Bank


Published: 2024-08-19 18:10

Last Updated: 2024-08-19 18:17

Far-right “Israeli” Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich (Photo: Anadolu Agency)
Far-right “Israeli” Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich (Photo: Anadolu Agency)

Far-right “Israeli” Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich initiated a new campaign aimed at annexing parts of the occupied West Bank, specifically targeting 'Area B.'

This area, which makes up roughly three percent of the West Bank, is under Palestinian civil administration and Israeli Occupation security control.

Smotrich's campaign involves expelling Palestinians and demolishing structures within this zone.

In a statement posted on X, Smotrich argued that the area is crucial for expanding the Gush Etzion settlement cluster and establishing a direct connection with Jerusalem.

Smotrich stated, “The Palestinian Authority (PA) is making concentrated efforts with a significant amount of money and energy to take control eastward, creating territorial continuity from north to south and from east to west, thus effectively disrupting our continuity.”

He continued, “There is also severe environmental damage occurring in one of the most valuable and important areas in the State of Israel.”

Smotrich also referred to a recent political decision where the “Israeli” political and security cabinet approved his proposal to enforce the Wye Agreement.

This agreement “ mandates protection of the nature reserve from Palestinian construction and takeover,” as per Smotrich.

He added, “The enforcement authority has been transferred from the Palestinian Authority to the Civil Administration.”

This move follows reports that the “Israeli” government has sanctioned the legalization of five illegal settlements in Area B, a decision reportedly influenced by Smotrich’s advocacy.

The Oslo II Agreement of 1995 divided the West Bank into three areas: Area A under full Palestinian control, Area B with Palestinian civil authority and Israeli Occupation security control, and Area C under complete “Israeli” control.

Area C covers approximately 61 percent of the West Bank.

The expansion of “Israeli” settlements into the West Bank has intensified since October 7, with “Israeli” forces designating some areas as "closed military zones," which forces Palestinians off their ancestral lands.